PERI UP ställningssystem används för både tillträde och arbetsställning, samt understödning

Lösningar för infrastrukturprojekt

För alla utmaningar inom byggnation av infrastruktur finns vi på PERI här med produkter för att bygga strukturer som håller.


PERI Produkter för infrastruktur

HR Render image of the PERI VTC Tunnel Carriage
Formwork carriage used on the steel substructure for the construction of carriageway slabs
The lightweight for new construction and refurbishment projects
Supporting structures cost-effectively erected with system – with materials and expertise from a single source
The system consists of different types of load and length optimized frames, which enable to continuously create every span with the corresponding combination.
Shoring system for very large loads in bridge constructions as well as for special applications in industrial construction
The movable, anchor-free solutions for bridge infrastructure. Perfect for bridges over 150m long.
The fast, rentable solution with the best handling and reduced material quantities
Scaffold-free cantilever formwork for steel composite and precast concrete bridges
Construction of superstructures using the balanced cantilever method – fast and dimensionally-accurate
PERI UP Flex Modular Working Scaffold: Extremely flexible work scaffold for a wide range of applications.
PERI UP Flex Shoring: The maximum level of flexibility.
The lightweight stair tower for flexible access solutions
The suspended scaffold can be manoeuvred with little effort due to smooth plastic rollers.
PERI UP Flex Reinforcement R75,100: Modular Reinforcement Scaffold for efficient work.
For wide-span working platforms and temporary pedestrian footbridges
The Self-Climbing System ACS-R with the one-sided reinforcement scaffold in advance.
All heights, all cross-sections, regardless whether square or rectangular-shaped
The CB climbing system provides safe working conditions with wall formwork at all heights.
With PERI SCS, the loads from the fresh concrete pressure are transferred without formwork ties through the brackets into the climbing anchors of the previous concreting section.
HD 200 Triangelstöd - Lastar upp till 200 kN
MULTIPROP Aluminium Slab Props: Used as a cost-saving lightweight individual prop and cost-effective shoring tower
The slab table with steel walers for large formwork areas and heavy pre-fabricated parts
SB Stützbock: Zuverlässiges Betonieren von einhäuptigen Wänden bis 8,75 m Höhe.
PERI UP Flex Reinforcement R75,100: Modular Reinforcement Scaffold for efficient work.
FB 180 Folding Platform System: The universal working and safety scaffold.
PERI FinPly Filmfaced plywood for smooth fairfaced concrete requirements
Cut & Cover tunnel

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